Executive producer, team builder, flexible problem solver

As a trained communicator, Mary Rawlinson intuitively understands the tools and approaches required for successful solutions in brand management. She has counseled leaders in a wide range of industries – financial services, telecoms, pharmaceutical, healthcare, fashion, quick-service restaurants, B2B and B2C, profit and not-for-profit – and recognizes that experience is essentially generic, that supple thinking encourages application to each new challenge. 

Her experience with global powerhouses gives her the skills and confidence required to implement complex programs. As executive management, she has been immersed in many facets of corporate branding and design management.


Group/Client Director with Interbrand NY, the world’s largest brand consultancy (part of the Omnicom Group) for 12 years. Select clients: AT&T, IBM, IMS Health, Energy Star, SiriusXm, KFC, Pizza Hut, Taco Bell, Comverse Technology, Bank of America, International Paper, Osram Sylvania, School of American Ballet, USAA, Washington Gas, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Volvo



Founding Partner, identity management and brand consultancy specializing in identity, design, packaging systems. Clients: BOC Group, Caterpillar, Nine West, Junior Achievement, Rich’s, Clausthaler, David's Cookies, Scott Paper, Promodes (now Carrefour), France




Founder and President of marketing communications firm; client representation and counsel on establishing/expanding presence in the US and UK for Minale Tattersfield, Fiorucci, Murjani International




Client Relations Director on assignments in consumer packaging, brand identity, market research and retail design for Landor, the prestigious global branding firm. Select clients: Remy Martin, Guy LaRoche, Gloria Vanderbilt, Tommy Hilfiger, Wolverine, Hush Puppies, Black & Decker









