“I’m genuinely curious about people and companies, and can quickly grasp who does what. That makes me sympathetic to individual challenges, gives me insight about opportunities for resolution, and helps me recognize potential landmines. It’s very satisfying to organize and rally a team with, and for, maximum efficiency.”


If your organization is going through a period of transformation, it can be extremely constructive to engage a specialist in creative organizational management, virtual global team-building and strategic business development writing. Mary Rawlinson functions as an essential link between teams, and operates as a sounding board throughout. Together, you can analyze needs, assess requirements and ensure successful project execution.  

Smart, creative, vigorous brand programs and relationships

Mary is known for her accessibility and diplomacy. She skillfully develops and maintains strong, long-term client relationships, and fosters constructive, productive and harmonious project environments. Her clients include premiere global brand consultancies and advertising agencies, specialist communications firms, and major global corporations. She is equally comfortable working from a client or agency perspective. 

“Mary Rawlinson is the person you know you need and cannot find...Whichever side of the equation she finds herself on, she combines left and right brain thinking, with warmth and a ‘can-do’ personality.”

Leslie Smolan, Founding Partner of Carbone Smolan Agency